Lord Shiva Story-Devon ke Dev Mahadev-Hindu Myth

Sunday 12 March 2017

Part 9

How Lord Shiva(Mahadev) Is Named As NeelKanth

   Once the Demons and Gods both came to an agreement that they will extract the 'Amruth' together and share it between them. They went together to meet 'Tridev' to help them. Tridev agreed to help them and they all went to the bank of the seashore. 'Mountain Mandara' was used in extraction of Amruth. Lord Shiva told Lord Vishnu that it was the time for his 'Kurma'(tortoise) form(second form out of 10 forms).
Moutain Mandara was kept on the Lord Kurma and the snake is twisted around the mountain and they were trying to retrieve the Treasures which got immersed in to the ocean due to Sage Durvasa's Curse. Gods choose the tail side and devil choose the head side, As they were pulling it to and fro the poison started releasing from the ocean which is dangerous to the universe. So, 
Lord Shiva collecting all the poison in his palm and swallowed it.
Goddess Paravati enraged from this act of her husband came to his rescue and squeezed Lord Shiva's neck, after this incident Lord Shiva neck turned into blue color,

from then Lord Shiva is known as Neelkant or Neelesh.

Friday 10 March 2017

Part 8

Birth Of Lord Ganesh 

    One day Goddess Parvati was at home on Kailash preparing for  bath. As she didn’t want to be disturbed by anyone, she told Nandi,  to guard the door and let no one pass by. Nandi faithfully took his post, intending to carry out Mata Parvati’s wishes. But, when Lord Shiva(Mahadev) came home and naturally wanted to come inside, Nandi had to let him pass, being loyal first to Lord Shiva . Parvati was angry at that moment, but even more than this, at the fact that she had no one as loyal to herself as Nandi was to Lord Shiva. So, taking the dirt from her body and using her power gave life into it, she created Vinayaka, declaring him to be her own loyal son as there is no one at kailash. 

This is how Lord Ganesh came into existence.The next time Goddess Parvati went for bath, she told Vianayaka that he had to guard at the door. At that time Lord Shiva came home(as he went out for killing the Asuras), He want to meet Goddess Parvati but he was stopped by Vianayaka. Vianayaka told that he can't allowed him to meet his mother(Goddess Parvati) as she ordered him that no one should be allowed to cross the door. Then Lord Shiva told him that he is the Husband of Parvati and Vianayaka was his son.
Vianayaka told that even he was his father he has no right to enter in.  Furious, Lord Shiva ordered his army to hold the boy, but they all failed!
Such power did Vianayaka possess, being the son of Devi Herself. Now, Lord Shiva got anger and started 'Shiva Tandav'.But, as a father his controlled his anger and then send Nandi to tell him that he is his and he had to obey him. Nandi went there and got insulted by Vianayaka. Lord Shiva went there and tried to explain Vianayaka what is right and what is wrong. But, Vianayaka tried to attack on Lord Shiva. Now, Lord Shiva was helpless and forcefully he had released his Trishul at Vianayaka (as once he was cursed by the father of God Surya(Sun) when Lord Shiva killed God Surya , that he will kill his own son).

By this Vinayaka head turned into ashes. When Goddess Parvati come to about it, she imediately came out and told Lord Shiva that he had to return life to his son. Lord Shiva said to Parvati that it is impossible as he's head was turned into ashes by his own Trishul, no such thing in this world was created that can be returned which was destroyed by his Trishul. Now, Adishakti(Goddess Parvati ) got angry and turned into 'Kali Matha' and said to Lord Shiva that if his son is life can't be revived then whole universe will be destroyed and she started destroying the universe. Then Lord Vishnu and Lord Brahman got appeared and said to Lord Shiva to stop Adhishakti. Lord Shiva replied to them, that she can be stopped by one way and called Nandi (bull) and told him that move towards
North and ask the first creature who is willing to give his head for Vinayaka and also said he should be returned by evening. Nandi went towards North and saw a old elephant lying there and he went towards him and asked his head. The elephant immediately accepted him. Nandi thanked him and also asked a question why he was accepted him immediately. Then the elephant told him that once he was doing Tapasya for impressing Lord Shiva, Lord Shiva got impressed and appeared and gave him a boon, he said that he want to become the greatest scholar in this universe. But, Lord Shiva himself is the greatest Scholar so, he want to live with him and want to gain knowledge from him then Lord Shiva granted his wish and said him that in future he'll live with him. Now, it's the time to live with Lord Shiva so, with my williness i'm giving my head. Nandi got happy and took his head to Lord Shiva. Lord Shiva kept the elephant head to Vinayaka. By, seeing this Goddess Parvati calm down with his anger. Lord Shiva apologize to Parvati and named his son as 'Ganesh'.
Lord Brahma and Lord Vishnu gave blessing to Lord Ganesh and left from there.    

Thursday 9 March 2017

Part 7

Destruction Of Tripura  

      With the death of Tarakasura, who was killed by Lord Kartikeya, his sons Tarakaksha, Vidyunmali and Viryavana undertook severe penances by which they pleased Lord Brahma. They requested to Lord Brahma that they want to become immortal, resisting it, Lord Brahma said to them that nothing can be immortal. Then Tarkaksh and viryavana asked to be blessed with unassailable fort, which would be everlasting. However, as Brahma told them that nothing could be everlasting in this World, they requested that the destruction of the three cities could be brought about by a single arrow only, on the hope that it was impossible for anyone to shoot such an arrow.
 After several years this demon again started fight with gods. All god went to Lord Shiva and started pleading Mahadev. Lord Shiva told them that he would help them and went to destroy the Tripura. Lord Shiva with his powerful bow(Shiva Dhanush) released an arrow and with a single shot Tripura got destroyed. However, this bow(Shiva Dhanush) is again used in 'RAMAYANA' in Sita's swayamvaram where Lord Ram lift this bow (Shiva Dhanush)and marry Sita and in 'Krishna leela' he broke this bow(Shiva Dhanush) in Dwaraka. 

Part 6

 Birth of Goddess AshokaSundari

        After karthikeya killed Tarakasura , senapati karthikeya went to south India as the demon population has inceased more in south India. At the same time Lord Shiva(Mahadev) went to destroy Tripur, Goddess Parvati was feeling alone so,  Ashokasundari was created from the wish-fulfilling tree Kalpavriksha when Goddess Parvati wished for reducing her loneliness.

She was also known as Goddess manasa and mostly worshiped in State Kolkata. Later she got married with Lord Nahush.

Wednesday 8 March 2017

Part 5

Death Of Tarakasura

       Tarakasura who has been blessed by Lord Brahma (that he can be killed by anyone expect by the offspring of Lord Shiva ) is ready for the challenge and he builds a chakravyuh around him which cannot be broken by Karthikeya at any cost. However, Karthikeya succeeds in breaking the chakravyuh by his own strength and knowledge and later Lord Shiva carries Karthikeya on his hand and takes him to the level of Tarakasur. Karthikeya hits on Tarakasura’s  chest with a spear and Tarakasura breathes his last. While Vajraang and Tarakasura’s
sons got upset when they hear about the death of Tarakasura. Karthikeya is welcomed into Kailash where a debate happens among the gods over Karthikeya being named the King of Swarglok, which upsets Lord Indra. However, Lord Shiva explains that Karthikeya never meant to be the king, and will remain in people’s heart forever. Vajraang on the other hand, vows to take revenge over Karthikeya. In Swarglok, the gods are enjoying as Indra continues to be the king and this upsets Karthikeya very much. Karthikeya leaves Swarglok and goes to the Kritikas, but is upset when they call him senapati instead of their son explaining him that he was born for the people purpose.


Birth Of Lord Kartikeya

       The evilness of tarakasura increased day by day. Trimurti got gathered and told Lord Shiva that it is the time for the birth of your child.Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati by their energy form a huge energy ball(power). As their energy of both got increased the vital fluid fall on the ground and tremendous amount of heat began emanating from it and it threatened to engulf the entire world in the flames.
              Acting on the advice of Brahma and Vishnu ,Agni dev went there in the guise of  a mendicant and took the energy ball and started running. Just cannot tolerate the energy and runs to the forest to save his life. Seeing this, Parvati in the guise of Aadishakti curses the Agni dev for taking her child away. Agni Dev cannot tolerate the heat and transfers the power to Ganga who decides to nourish the child. Ganga overwhelm with the child and gave a boon to the child now onwards the child will be known as Ganga putra ,when Parvati gets to know of this, she curses Ganga that she will forever be impure. With this curse, Ganga got weak and as advised by Lord Shiva(Mahadev), transfers the energy ball(power) to earth(Dhartimata). The ball breaks into six pieces and Lord Shiva tells Parvati that Dhartimata will nourish their child. The six energy balls transforms into six kids. Tarakasur  is relaxed that since six kids are born, he is safe as the energy was divided all six has to come at a time to destroy him. Six Krittikas finds the six children in a pond and decided to nourish them. When Lord Shiva and Parvati get to know of this, they come to see their kids. Meanwhile, Ganga and Dhartimata also enter claiming that they are the mothers of the kids as they are overwhelm with the Child. Lord Shiva explains the importance of the real mother and foster mother , Parvati gets angry when he says that the foster mother has more rights on the kids than the real mother. However, the Krittikas told Parvati  that she is the real mother and has all  rights on the kids. Lord Shiva declares that even though there are 6 kids, there is actually only one kid and names him as Guhu, Skand, Kumar, Karthikeya. All got well with Parvati apologizing to Ganga. Lord Shiva told  Ganga that in future she will have a daughter Narmada which will make her pure again. Lord Shiva tells that Karthikeya needs to stay back in Kritika Lok for some years as Karthikeya needs love.

Tuesday 28 February 2017

Part 3

Goddess Parvati

Tarakasura was a powerful demon , defeated the gods and conqured the heaven.Yet he had a boon that he could be defeated by the son of Lord Shiva. All the Gods went in the shelter of Lord Shiva and pleaded Lord Shiva ,Lord Brahma and Lord Vishnu arrived and Said Lord Shiva that "Adhishakti" will born soon for the welfare of the universe.Lord Shiva got angry and said that he decided not to marry again and went into deep meditation.As Lord Brahma said "Adhishakti" was born to Himavan.Himavan named Adhishakti as "Parvati". Few years later Parvati came to know that she was Adhishakti , she was born to marry Lord Shiva for the welfare of the universe. She than started doing meditation ,Shiva pooja to impress Lord Shiva. One day Parvati lost his patience and called Kamdeva(Cupid) and told him that he had to use he's power to create love between her and Lord Shiva. kamdeva agreed to Goddess Parvati and felt happy that he got a chance to create love between them.They went to the place where Lord Shiva was in his meditation , Parvati sat infront of Lord Shiva And said to kamadeva to hit Lord Shiva with his love arrow.
kamadeva(cupid) releases his arrow towards Lord Shiva in no time kamadeva turn into ash as Lord Shiva opened his third eye and said Parvati that it is not possible for him to marry you and went into his meditation . Rati(the goddess of love and wife of cupid) got appeared and said the she was going to give birth for Kamadeva's child curse Goddess Parvati that because of her kamdeva died. So, Goddess Parvati can't give birth to any child in her womb for her entire.
     With the broken heart Goddess Parvati went back to her home. Few days later she went to meet Lord Shiva disciple and they told Parvati to impress Lord Shiva by meditation not by other means. In the mean time Lord Vishnu and Lord Brahma told Lord Shiva that he had to marry Lord Parvati for the welfare of the universe as Tarakasura can be defeated by offspring of Lord Shiva and Parvati. Lord Shiva agreed to them and help Parvati to complete her meditation.


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