Lord Shiva Story-Devon ke Dev Mahadev-Hindu Myth

Tuesday 28 February 2017

Part 2

Lord Shiva and Sati True Story 

Once upon a time the Goddess Sati, a incarnation of the divine female energy, took birth at the suggestion of Brahma(the lord of creation). She was born as the daughter of Prajapati Daksha(son of Brahma) is very well known as the first human being on earth. Prajapati Daksha doesn't like God Shiva because he gave an curse to his father(God Brahma) that no human will worship him. Prajapati Daksha is a great devotee of Lord Vishnu. Once Prajapati Daksha built a temple in which a statue of god Vishnu and god Brahma sculpture but in that statue the was no "Shiva Linga". The statue was sculptured but it can't be moved from that place , thousands of people tried but the statue didn't even moved an inch. Then Sati got informed from a devotee of Lord Shiva that without the "Shiva Linga" it will not be able to move . So the other day Sati went to the statue and kept the shiva linga and said to the people to try it once. The statue which is not able to move a single inch moved at once. All the people was stunned and inform this information to Prajapati Daksha that the statue was kept in the temple. Prajapati Daksha was glad by hearing this information and went to the temple and felt happy but when he saw the shiva linga he was shocked and asked who dared to keep this "Shiva linga" . Then Sati told to his father that it was done by her. Prajapati Daksha was shocked that her own daughter went against him and supported to Lord shiva. Then at that place devotees of  "Lord Shiva" arrived and told to Prajapati Daksha that what his daughter was done the exactly correct. Prajapati Daksha was so angry and started telling against the "Lord shiva" that he used to be in blotto (dhut) all the times ,he stays with the dead people how can a God is able to do such things, moreover , he cursed "Lord Bharma" who is the creator of this universe. The devotee told he (Lord Shiva) was the only God with simplicity he doesn't need anything , he doesn't need any yagna to impress him. He can be called even with a bael patra if we are with the true hearted. Prajapati Daksha said that it is impossible and told Sati to try. Sati tried to call Lord shiva with the bael patra. Lord Shiva Appeared infornt of them and told to Prajapati Daksha  about the Lord Brahma what was happen was karma and leave. Sati feel in love with God Shiva but she know that Prajapati Daksha will not agree about them . 
But Lord Shiva and Goddess Sati fell love with each other and got married without the approval of Prajapati Daksha on full moon day of February which is called "MahaShivaratri" , which was on February 14th .
  Once Prajapati Daska held a yagna (pooja) for welfare of the people and invited all the God except Lord Shiva. Goddess Sati was very anxious about the yagna and asked Lord Shiva to go with her to the pooja. Lord Shiva said that he was not invited neither you. What we will do by going there , she said that he was her father he will accept one or the other day. Lord shiva said that it is impossible to him to go there but if she want she can go . When she arrived, her father (Prajapati Daksha) said why she was there,as she was not invited. Prajapati Daksha insulted Sati and Lord Shiva.Sati got angered and summoned up her strength and spoke this vow to her father(Prajapati Daksha), since you have given me this body, i no longer associated with it. She walked away from her father and sat in a meditative seat on the ground and decided to sacrifice the body. Closing her eyes ,envisioning her true lord(Lord Shiva) , Sati fell into the mystic trance. Going deep within her ,she (Sati) began to increase her own inner fire through meditation until her body burst into flames.
 Lord Shiva got angry and started Shiva tandav  plucked a lock of his hair and thrased them on the ground Lord "Vira Badra " was born . Lord shiva ordered Lord Vira Badra to kill Prajapati Daksha. Prajapati Daksha came to know about the Lord Vira Badra and send his great army to stop Vira Badra,but it is not possible to stop Vira Badra. Vira Badra somehow destroyed the army send by Prajapati Daksha,but Prajapati Daksha was not feared about that as once he was boon by Lord Vishnu that he will be protected by him(Lord Vishnu). Prajapati Daksha started pleading Lord Vishnu ,Lord Vishnu appeared and stopped Lord Vira Badra by his "Astra"(Weapon).Lord Vira Badra cannot oppose Lord Vishnu because Lord Vishnu is very beloved to Lord Shiva.   

Then Lord Shiva again plucked a lock of hair and thrashed it on the ground RudraKali was born and Lord Shiva send RudraKali to help Vira Badra from Lord Vishnu. By the help of RudraKali ,Lord Vira Badra was set free and killed Prajapati Daksha but Lord Brahma and Lord Vishnu told Shiva that without Prajapati Daksha earthlings can't be lived properly so, Lord Shiva gave him life with the goat head. The fact still remained that the Goddess Sati was dead,Lord Shiva picked up the lifeless body and started walked miles and miles .All the gods was tensed if Lord Shiva wouldn't turned into his normal state what will happen to this universe and started pleading "Lord Vishnu". Lord  Vishnu appeared and took the great decision that he 
had to completly burnt the body, as Sati had committed suicied and with his Sudarshana Chakra he burnt the body and cut into 52 pieces and that pieces fell on the different places on the Earth. This 52 places is very famous are called Shakti peethas , and this places become place of pilgrimage in India. Lord Shiva went angry and decided to destroy this univese then Lord Vishnu told Shiva that Sati was dead as she is "Adhishakti" she will be reborn for the welfare of this universe.


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