Lord Shiva Story-Devon ke Dev Mahadev-Hindu Myth

Wednesday 11 January 2017

Part 1


Hinduism really believes in "Trimurti". Trimurti is a cosmic function of creation, maintenance and destruction. Trimurti does means three different gods "Lord Brahma", "Lord Vishnu" and the last but not least "The Lord Shiva". Lord Brahma the Creator , Lord Vishnu the Maintainer or Preserver and Lord Shiva the Destroyer.

The Fight Between The Lord Brahma and Lord Vishnu

   When the universe was created at that time Lord Vishnu got appeared and while Brahma is born from a lotus which is emerged from the navel of "God Vishnu"(Hindu Myth).

   They went into a deep meditation after their existence for ages and several years later they opened their eyes and got introduced to each other and then they started quarrelling that who is the greatest among them .Then a huge linga of energy appeared infront of them. A voice came out from that linga and started telling that if any one from you found the Start or end of this linga is greatest among you. Then Lord Brahma went up and Lord Vishnu went down to find the start or end of that linga. After many years the God Vishnu realise that there is no end for this linga and went back where he got started and told to the linga that there is no end to this linga it is like Vidya (education) then the linga told to Lord Vishnu lets wait for Lord Brahma.The Lord Brahma saw a ketak there and told that ketak to tell that it is the start of that linga and went down and met with Lord Vishnu and told him that the ketak was start of the linga. The huge linga turned into "Lord Shiva" (this is how Lord Shiva came into existence)and told to Lord Brahma that it's not true and you tried to bluff us. So Lord Shiva cursed Lord Brahma that, from now no any in this world will ever worship you. But you will be the creator of this world and also told the "Lord Vishnu" he's answer has impress God Shiva,so Lord Shiva boon Lord Vishnu from now he will be worshipped in his any form and he'll be the preserver of this world.


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