Lord Shiva Story-Devon ke Dev Mahadev-Hindu Myth

Tuesday 28 February 2017

Part 3

Goddess Parvati

Tarakasura was a powerful demon , defeated the gods and conqured the heaven.Yet he had a boon that he could be defeated by the son of Lord Shiva. All the Gods went in the shelter of Lord Shiva and pleaded Lord Shiva ,Lord Brahma and Lord Vishnu arrived and Said Lord Shiva that "Adhishakti" will born soon for the welfare of the universe.Lord Shiva got angry and said that he decided not to marry again and went into deep meditation.As Lord Brahma said "Adhishakti" was born to Himavan.Himavan named Adhishakti as "Parvati". Few years later Parvati came to know that she was Adhishakti , she was born to marry Lord Shiva for the welfare of the universe. She than started doing meditation ,Shiva pooja to impress Lord Shiva. One day Parvati lost his patience and called Kamdeva(Cupid) and told him that he had to use he's power to create love between her and Lord Shiva. kamdeva agreed to Goddess Parvati and felt happy that he got a chance to create love between them.They went to the place where Lord Shiva was in his meditation , Parvati sat infront of Lord Shiva And said to kamadeva to hit Lord Shiva with his love arrow.
kamadeva(cupid) releases his arrow towards Lord Shiva in no time kamadeva turn into ash as Lord Shiva opened his third eye and said Parvati that it is not possible for him to marry you and went into his meditation . Rati(the goddess of love and wife of cupid) got appeared and said the she was going to give birth for Kamadeva's child curse Goddess Parvati that because of her kamdeva died. So, Goddess Parvati can't give birth to any child in her womb for her entire.
     With the broken heart Goddess Parvati went back to her home. Few days later she went to meet Lord Shiva disciple and they told Parvati to impress Lord Shiva by meditation not by other means. In the mean time Lord Vishnu and Lord Brahma told Lord Shiva that he had to marry Lord Parvati for the welfare of the universe as Tarakasura can be defeated by offspring of Lord Shiva and Parvati. Lord Shiva agreed to them and help Parvati to complete her meditation.



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